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Junior Karate

6-12 Year olds

Dear Parent,


If you’re like me, you want the best for your kids – good marks at school, lots of friends, excellence at sports and team events. You also know how frustrating it can be to see your child holding back from doing their best, not because they can’t do something, but because they lack confidence and self-esteem.


Doctors and psychologists say that high self-esteem is one of the most important character traits for children to have in order to succeed. As an instructor for over twenty five years, I see kids who lack confidence get lower grades in school, get picked on far more by bullies, have fewer friends and succumb more easily to peer pressure. But what’s even scarier is that studies show that children who don’t address these traits before reaching their teens have a greater chance of remaining that way for the rest of their lives.


You may be thinking, “What has this got to do with karate?” My name is Scott Bullard and I am a karate sensei (chief instructor). I teach a highly successful program designed to teach children how to develop confidence and self-esteem. It is called the Junior Personal Development Program taught at Canada’s Best™ Karate.


Before I explain the details about the Junior Program, lets first identify where your child may need help in order to succeed in life.

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What skills does your child need for success?

How do you know if your child has learned the kind of life skills that will bring them personal success and happiness? Take a moment and look at them with honest eyes. What do you see?


Does your child have:

  • the Confidence to make new friends?

  • the Concentration to excel at school?

  • the Courage to meet new challenges?

  • the Awareness and Strength to avoid drugs?

  • the Self-Esteem to believe in themselves?


The children at Canada’s Best™ Karate are learning these skills and attitudes because our programs go beyond teaching students blocks, kicks, and strikes.


Our programs teach life skills – the mental and emotional tools that enable your child to achieve their highest goal: becoming the best person they can be!

Great environment with a mix of a friendly, motivating and encouraging atmosphere together with a teaching method that fosters dedication, focus and discipline. The level of confidence I have seen in my child throughout the years has been visible through other areas of her life and we could not be more grateful for CBK and more proud of my daughter! Other programs accelerate belts which is a de-service to the discipline. CBK provides the tools for karate as a life long practice.

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You can see the difference with your own eyes

Although our techniques are based on centuries old knowledge, our application of that knowledge sets Canada’s Best™ Karate schools apart from other schools. From the moment you walk into our facility, you can see that we place a lot of emphasis on safety: the training area is covered wall-to-wall with a K2000 safety floor and we use a large supply of padded training equipment so that our students do not have to fear being kicked or punched in class.


All of the students at Canada’s Best™ Karate are evaluated on an individual basis with positive encouragement and support from our instructors. In fact, all instructors at Canada’s Best™ Karate must be black belts with special training in dealing with children’s classes, including special needs like ADHD and ASD.

Canada's Best Karate facilities feature wall-to-wall padded safety floor and large selection of training pads and equipment
How does your child ‘learn’ self-discipline, confidence and self-esteem?

One of the biggest misunderstandings about ‘discipline’ is that it can be forced on a child. The real meaning of personal discipline comes from another kind of learning. It’s simply this: children learn personal self-discipline by acting in a disciplined way.

Canada’s Best™ Karate programs provides your child with clear sequential steps to learning karate and life skills. They watch their own weekly progress with I CAN Home Report Cards and RESPONSIBILITY STAR Rewards for positive behaviour, regular attendance and consistent effort. Your child has constant reinforcement in one of life’s most important lessons: achievement comes through the discipline of consistent and repeated effort. By breaking down goals into measurable steps, your child learns that they can achieve anything and overcome any obstacle life throws at them.


As countless numbers of our parents and students will tell you, it’s powerful psychology that WORKS!


As your child takes one successful step after another, they learn I CAN DO IT! When they encounter unique challenges, they already know they have the ability to overcome them by chipping away with focus and determined effort.

A Modern Approach to Self-Defense

The philosophy at Canada’s Best™ Karate follows an approach that centers on karate as an art of self-defense and not aggressive attack.


All Canada’s Best™ Karate instructors take great care to emphasize that it takes more courage to walk away from negative peer pressure, taunting remarks and foolish choices. The courage our students are learning centers on completing any task, trying again when they make a mistake, and standing firm and taking responsibility for decisions they make.


I know. It sounds too good to be true, but it is true! With each class, you will notice a difference in your child’s behaviour and approach to solving problems.

Turning Bullies into Buddies!

There is nothing quite so frustrating for a parent than to see your child’s self esteem and confidence shrinking because they have become targeted by a bully.


Almost all of us have had the experience of being a victim to bullying but none of us have been shown the proper, effective ways to deal with it. In fact, much of what has become policy at our children’s schools – zero tolerance and anti-bullying campaigns – actually contributes to making the situation even worse!


Canada’s Best Karate instructors not only teach our students how to deal with bullying, we help them see that they can even turn it around and in some cases create friendships with the so-called bully!


Our system combines the revolutionary research and teaching of Izzy Kalman, school psycologist, lecturer and author of many books and videos about bullying (, with our own Street Safe Stranger-Awareness Program to arm our students with the “mental self-defence” skills they need to protect themselves.


The first step begins with teaching children not to have a “victim mentality”. Through special role playing and discussion topics, your child will begin to learn the “secrets” that will help them stop the cycle of bullying.


I don’t want you to be misled – we do teach our students the physical side of karate training. We have a fully integrated curriculum from beginner up to black belt and beyond that allows our students to become stronger and more fit as they learn the effective self-defense skills of karate.


It’s by having acquired the physical skills of self-defence that our students feel the confidence to try to find other solutions when threatened by others.

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How does Canada’s Best™ Karate teach skills and attitudes for success?

It’s well documented that martial arts training instills mental focus and self-discipline in children. Stories abound of underachieving students and ‘problem’ kids being transformed, producing good marks and excellent behaviour. Canada’s Best™ Karate can gives your child this vital boost in life. 


How do we do this?


Canada’s Best™ Karate has developed an exclusive Character Development & Lifeskills Program. Along with traditional physical training in karate, our students study and practice the different mental skills and positive traits that lead to a life of success.


The result is a complete learning experience that balances body, mind and emotion, enabling your child to grow as a WHOLE PERSON.

Who are your child’s POSITIVE role models?

Your son or daughter probably has many of your traits and attitudes. However, they’re also inclined to imitate the other kids in their peer group. As parents, we all hope they’re imitating friends and role models who exemplify good values. 


Canada’s Best™ Karate understands the importance of role models, so we’ve chosen our instructors with great care. Our instructors aren’t just skilled martial arts teachers – they are people who demonstrate the outstanding personal character and values that you would want in any role model for your child.


All of our instructors are students who we have developed within our own programs through our specialized youth leadership program. These are young people who not only display martial arts expertise, but also compassion, gentleness and humour. In studying our program, your child will build strong friendships and mentor relationships with these exemplary men and women.

Take advantage of our Special Offer

Enrolling your child in a martial arts school may feel like a big step. I certainly understand the complicated choices parents face in selecting activities and schools for their children. If you are ready to consider a martial arts program for your child, let me make your choice as easy as possible.


Your child can try out our amazing confidence-building program by registering for our FREE JumpSTART Beginner Introductory Special below.  It's a no-cost, risk-free way to see if training at Canada's Best Karate is right for your child.


Just click on the link below to register or pick up the phone right now and call us at 905-879-8008.  But I have to warn you: we do limit our class sizes so contact us soon so that you can secure your place.


Take that first step towards securing your child’s future by enrolling them at Canada's Best Karate.  Soon you’ll be seeing smiles of confidence from your child!



Scott Bullard – Shihan/Master Instructor
Canada’s Best™ Karate

JumpStart Beginner Special

For new members, our FREE Beginner Special includes an Introductory lesson,Beginner Class and Personal Assessment!

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