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  • Is there a special time of the year to begin a karate program?
    Canada’s Best Karate programs can be started any time of the year. Because of the unique way we structure and organize our classes and curriculum you can begin right away in a beginner class and not feel like you are “behind” the other students. It also means that you do not have to wait for a group of students or a certain time to advance to the next level. We evaluate all of our students on an individual basis so that when a students has demonstrated the required skills of their current level they can immediately move on to the next set of requirements. This means more personal attention and more enjoyment.
  • Is my child safe learning karate?
    If you’ve already looked at karate schools, you may have seen some that weren’t really set up for teaching kids. Your concern is valid – children studying martial arts have different needs than adults, yet some schools simply modify their adult courses and call them ‘children’s karate.’ At Canada’s Best™ Karate, we have developed specialized programs for karate instruction in different age groups to ensure that the learning exercises are fun and safe. We have the Novice Program for children ages 4-6 years and the Junior Program for children ages 6-12 years. As well, we have specific programs for Teens&Adults. With our programs your child learns and practices in a safe physical and philosophical environment. It begins with strict discipline within the dojo, or training gym, where our instructors discourage bullying and egotism, promoting camaraderie and mutual respect. It’s completed with a K2000 Safety Floor and other padded equipment that reduce accident risk during training.
  • What is the best age to start a child in karate?
    As every child is unique, there is no one correct answer. That’s why we designed the CBK prorams to meet the needs of all our students at each stage of their physical and emotional development . Our pre-school program is unique to Canada’s Best Karate and does a great job of making our youngest students feel safe and comfortable learning with other children. The school-age classes offer a great introduction to karate for the inquisitive young person in your home. Designed to be both stimulating and challenging, these classes are not only divided by age but also by skill level, which means that as your child advances they will always be learning with other children with similar abilities. Our instructors can help you determine if your child may be ready to try one of our programs. Feel free to call or come in to talk to us about your specific needs. We are here to help.
  • What if my child has a learning disability like ADHD or ASD?
    Today’s parents are learning a new vocabulary. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders are being diagnosed in children under 13 years old by many paediatricians and psychologists. Parents are looking for alternatives to drugs, such as Rydalin, to help their children focus and concentrate in school. And many Canada’s Best Karate parents are finding that their children are learning to control their emotional reactions and concentrate longer in school due to participating in karate classes. This increased performance has been linked to the combined mind and body training that is integral to karate. In his book Shadow Syndrome, Dr. John J. Rately says “… karate … involve(s) both strenuous exercise and focused awareness. It is this dual focus that gives the martial arts a unique power to improve a variety of brain functions.” Dr. Rately goes on to say, “Unlike most Western sports, the martial arts specifically train the mind as well as the body: novices are taught to pay attention – conscious focused attention – to their balance, timing, endurance, ability to act sequentially, the speed and strength of each muscle and the way they move through space.” Helping children diagnosed with ADD, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and other learning disorders involves getting a team together, including doctors and educators, to guide parents towards finding solutions that work for their child’s unique situation. Canada’s Best Karate is proud to be included on many such “teams”. Please feel free to contact us at 905-879-8008 to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding your child’s unique challenges.
  • I've heard that karate lesson improve school grades - is this true?
    Most teachers will agree that a high level of confidence and self-discipline are essential to achieving good grades in school. At Canada’s Best Karate we are experts at raising the confidence and self-discipline of children, using a structured system of instruction and encouragement. The first step to success is developing the ability to focus on a given task. Part of the CBK curriculum includes “The 3 Rules of Concentration” which our instructors regularly review, including examples of how to follow these rule both in the karate class and in the students’ other activities. Knowing that all stripe and belts are only awarded through consistent effort and improvement, CBK students develop discipline by setting and achieving short- and long-term goals. You may have heard the saying “Nothing succeeds like success.” We bring all our students and their families together every month to celebrate the successful graduation of our students from belt to belt. When our students perform their latest skills for a supportive audience confidence soon follows. Add in our “I CAN DO IT MYSELF” Home Reporting system (which allows the CBK staff and instructors to monitor your child’s progress with home responsibilities and school work) and RESPONSIBILITY STARS Reward System (which encourages proper attendance, personal responsibility and scholastic achievement) and you have a complete system will help your child succeed in school and in life.
  • How can I be sure my child will like your program?
    The best way to determine if your child is ready to begin a martial arts program is to have them actually give it a try and see how they respond. At Canada’s Best Karate we use our JumpSTART Beginner Program to help you discover when is the right time to get involved with karate. Our instructors will assess your child during their trial classes and will let you know if and when they can be accepted into the CBK program. Don’t worry, if there are not ready, we will tell you and also recommend when we think you should bring them back to try again. We want you to feel comfortable in your decision to join Canada’s Best Karate, whenever that time may be.
  • Will karate make my child more aggressive?
    You may have heard a parent remark that they would never get their child involved in martial arts lessons because they “wouldn’t want them to learn to be aggressive.” While movies are fond of promoting a “might makes right” attitude of the martial arts, at Canada’s Best Karate we teach our students the exact opposite. The following story from a parent illustrates this best: “It has been over a year since my daughters joined Canada’s Best Karate. My husband and I feel it has been an investment in their education and well being for the future. The tragic and violent acts that have been occurring in today’s youth only confirm our decision to continue with Canada’s Best Karate. This was made evident during a March Break outing with my five year old daughter. While visiting a local establishment that houses a large jungle-gym apparatus, both my girls were enjoying a morning of climbing and jumping. It was quite hectic with many children of all ages playing excitedly. After a short while my youngest daughter approached me and explained that another child her senior had threatened to “beat her up.” My daughter told the child that she knew karate and the child still insisted that she could “beat her up.” It was at that point my daughter turned and walked away. An overwhelming sense of pride came over me. My daughter at her tender age was able to demonstrate the true art of karate-having the strength and courage not to fight! I decided not to intervene and asked if she wanted to return and play. She said, “yes”. I watched as she returned to the same area and again was followed by the older child, who again started to intimidate her. My daughter covered her ears and walked in the other direction singing “blah-blah-blah.” No confrontation, no tears, no fists and best of all no reoccurrence, the child stopped bullying her. Watching my children demonstrate respect, courtesy and an unbridled enthusiasm towards the art of karate and their environment, only makes me wish that I would have started then at Canada’s Best Karate sooner.”
  • What is the best type of Martial Art for children to learn?
    There are many types and styles of martial arts offered at various clubs throughout the city. While the names vary – karate, tae kwon do, ju jitsu, judo – the type of techniques taught can range from striking (punching and/or kicking), throwing and takedowns, grappling and submission moves. At Canada’s Best Karate we feel that the best martial art combines the elements of effective self-defence within an environment that helps develop strong character – Confidence, Respect and Discipline. That is why our curriculum is comprised of elements from both traditional karate and modern kickboxing, judo and ju jitsu as well as wrestling and grappling. Equally as important is how the techniques are taught. Our certified Black Belt instructors know how to keep kids focused and having fun while ensuring they progress at a pace that encourages further effort. Combine that with our wide selection of training equipment for every person in class and you get a program that will keep your child having fun for years to come!
  • Are your instructors certified?
    All of our instructors are certified CBK Black Belts and most are trained at the Senior Instructor level. This means that they have years of skills training and knowledge of the correct mechanics of kicking and punching. As well, all Canada’s Best Karate Instructors are trained in Emergency First Aid and must maintain up-to-date certification.
  • Do you have to be in shape to start classes?
    NO! In a CBK class each student is progressing at their own pace. That means that you don’t have to over-exert yourself trying to keep up to other students. The great thing about our programs is that the techniques provide you with a whole-body workout. You will quickly find that you have increased strength and endurance, improved your flexibility and balance and not only lose weight but also “firm up” and increase muscle tone. It really is an all-in-one workout!
  • What can I expect from a typical class?
    Our Teen& Adult Karate/Kickboxing program follow a structured format of warm-up with whole body strength training. The extensive use of calisthenics (body weight exercises) is great for strength and endurance. You will also experience “cardio” combinations and resistance training through striking padded targets (hand pads, body shields and heavy bags). Intermediate and Advanced levels also include competitive sparring training and scenario self-defence applications; these are all taught in a controlled and safe manner when a student is ready to participate. Finally, each workout includes various core strengthening and stretching/flexibility exercises.
  • What is the best type of Martial Art to learn?
    There are many types and styles of martial arts offered at various clubs throughout the city. While the names vary – karate, tae kwon do, ju jitsu, judo – the type of techniques taught can range from striking (punching and/or kicking), throwing and takedowns, grappling and submission moves. At Canada’s Best Karate we feel that the best martial art combines the elements of effective self-defence with a structured workout that helps build strength, agility, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility. Through the use of our wide selection of training equipment for every person in class to multiple scenerio-based training drills, you can be sure that you are going to be in the best shape of your life! And the added benefit of acquiring self-defence skills can lead to lower stress levels and a sense of personal satisfaction.
  • Are your instructors certified?
    All of our instructors are certified CBK Black Belts and most are trained at the Senior Instructor level. This means that they have years of skills training and knowledge of the correct mechanics of kicking and punching. As well, all Canada’s Best Karate Instructors are trained in Emergency First Aid and must maintain up-to-date certification.
JumpStart Beginner Special

For new members, our FREE Beginner Special includes an Introductory lesson,Beginner Class and Personal Assessment!

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